Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Woo Hoo!!

hello! hello!
sorry i have not been blogging for a couple days but i was a little busy! ;) looks like ricardo kept you up to speed!
wow! what an interesting, stressful, emotional, frustrating, painful, tiring couple of days!! i think i have run the gamut of emotion! monday was a long day of hurry up and wait. it was hard to remember we are on 'mexican time' around here. they said my procedure would be at 12. i didn't get in till 4 - that's mexican time for you. we purposely left out the info about the stent in the blog because i wanted to tell my mom personally, not in a blog. she was super freaked out about the stent and really didn't want me to have one. ricardo talked to her last night and she took it rather well! it truly was a necessity as the dr. couldn't even get the balloon in there to try and open it so the stent was needed. i did not sleep well on monday night as i was having pain and trouble breathing deeply. tuesday we went back to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. it was! some rest, food, iv fluids and pain meds made the day better. last night i felt great! really!! i did. it's so backwards. i should have felt like crap after the procedure, stress, and lack of sleep but i felt good, quite alert actually. word travels fast around here. there about 10 other couples here for the procedure. when i walked up to the group last night, it truly seemed that everyone was happy and relieved i was doing so much better. it's kind of weird. i just met these people over the last couple of days and we are like a little family! really cool.
i slept really good last night and am feeling great today. i am seeing improvement!!! it's so crazy! my balance is noticeably better. after chatting in the heat for about 15 minutes i stood with my feet together, arms straight out and closed my eyes and i did not tip over, at all!!!!!!!!!!! i should have landed on my face (if ricardo didn't catch me in time!) my walking is bit more fluid and ricardo and i held hands today instead of me holding his arm for support! that was really nice! :) we are trying to stay realistic and celebrate the small things. any change is good change!
today is going to be a relaxing day by the pool. maybe tomorrow we'll venture out and see some sights. we'll see.
thank you all again for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers.


  1. AZZZZ!
    Somehow, i had tears in my eyes reading your blog... I love you and i've been praying for you, so wanting your quality of life to improve and your big endeavor of faith to yield fruit! So to read the improvements, the victories, small and great, it is such a joy to my heart! We'll continue to pray for you!

  2. OMG.... AZZZZZ!!! I can't stop crying :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Trish xo

  3. eyes are filled with tears once again, every time I read the blog i can't help it! The news is happy and thankful everything is working out so well for you! My heart is full for you both sending lots of love your way! until next blog enjoy the sun and keep smiling as I am sure you both are! Love Dee xoxo!!!!

  4. Picturing you two holding hands makes me smile :)

  5. you guys all better stop it cuz your making me cry!!! again!!!

  6. Yey! So glad you are doing much better and seeing improvements. It sounds like you have a great supportive community down there.

  7. Wonderful news! Today on the news, I saw that Saskatchewan is going ahead with research on this proceedure. The only Canadian province to do so as of to date. They interviewed a lady who went to Europe to get the treatment. She was so positive about her results as well. I just pray that the politicians are listening to these testimonies. Glad to hear all is well.

  8. Yahoo Az! I am so glad you are doing well! I have been thinking of you and Ricardo!

  9. Hey Az and Ricardo! Glad to hear things are going well!! Xoxo Love Nicole

  10. Well Azure-Dee I was soooo happy when you called me this morning... I was soooo excited to hear your voice... You sounded awesome...Your voice had a smile in it... That truly made my heart happy...

    I have been crying over the last few days because of the unknown... Just to explain my big fear of the stent is that I am on the MS Board and have heard alot of not sooo happy stories of people who have had the stent put in ... they were frightnening stories ... I did not want my daughter to be one of those stories... So in saying that Azure-Dee and Ricardo made a decsion that would change Azure-Dee's life forever the stent... sounds like the stent in the Azygos vein with the shape etc... will be life changing for many people ... As I said the other day... Azure-Dee is a pioneer and will be there to encourage and cheer on other people with MS, Azure-Dee has never shyed away from having MS... but has been there already to help and support people to answer questions, give them ideas, & hope... I also want to add Ricardo to this mix of support as he has been solid for Azure-Dee and between them people feel comfortable to talk to them about MS... I'm sooo proud of Azure-Dee for taking this risk and having faith in how it will turn out.. Also for Ricardo for his support and faith that all is well....
    I can't wait to see you Azure-Dee and see the exciting changes for myself....
    Love to both of you MOM xoxoxxoxo ;) :) :)
    Also thank you to everyone who has sent love and prayers to Azure-Dee at this time..

  11. Hey Az, I just caught up on the blog. Sounds like things are going so well. Super happy for ya'll. Next thing you know, you'll be posting stories about how you danced down the beach together at sunset!!! xo Jo

  12. I am tearing up as I read everything. I am so happy for you and relate so much to all of the things that you have described as your symptoms. I can't believe that this is actually happening for you :D

  13. I have been thinking about you guys the past few days and appreciate being able to read up on everything. Thought of you when I heard about Sask and the research opening up. Hope this bring forward more excellent options.

    Jenn P - from up the road
