Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Update to the Update

well it's been an 'interesting' couple of weeks, to say the least! on easter weekend, i fell down some stairs and hit my head on the wall, getting a mild concussion. thanks to the fall, i finally listened to my body (and my husband) and considered lessening my work hours or taking a medical leave. i really didn't want to do either but i knew something had to change. i spoke to my doctor and he agreed that a medical leave until the end of the school year was a good idea. the day i told some of the people at my school that the next day was my last, was an emotional one. i was sad and very frustrated that i was unable to do my job. they were all so supportive! at the end of the day, i was walking out to my car and in true ms fashion, i tripped on my own foot. i remember stumbling towards my car thinking that if i can reach it, i could catch myself. well, that didn't happen. i fell and hit my head on the curb! i'm not sure if i was knocked out. i don't remember anything after tripping until i was in the medical of the school. sounds like about 15 minutes or so that i don't recall. aparently i didn't know what day it was, the date, what had just happened, the meeting i had at the end of the day, etc but i could remember my social insurance number! weird how the brain works!! anyway, i went to emerg and had to get a couple stitches in the side of my head and of course, i had a concussion!! 2 in 2 1/2 weeks!! not good! aparently i needed to fall again to really confirm that taking the time off was a good thing!! i'm pretty stubborn that way. that was all at the beginning of may (may 5) and i am feeling much better concussion wise. my ms is still acting up - my legs are very stiff and my balance is off. with my time off, i am taking it easy. resting when i need to. going out when i feel up to it. i am trying to not put any pressure on myself to tidy up or get to the grocery store. on what was supposed to be my last day of work, i was to go on a lunch date with my student. needless to say that didn't happen. we finally went out yesterday. it was so awesome! he was so proud to be taking me out. we got caught up and had a nice visit. we both needed that! :) today i was back at school for a meeting and i stayed most of the morning visiting with everyone. it was so nice. i was really sad that i didn't get to say good bye due to my fall. i am so lucky to have all that love and support from my coworkers!
and now for the good news! june 24 i am having the procedure done again. this time we are going to costa mesa, california. it will be nice to speak the same language - that was really my only complaint about mexico. i have spoken to one of the doctors at the clinic about possible issues. it is quite possibly a stent issue - it could be too small, in the wrong place in the vein or have clotting inside. all things are fixable he said. i am mad/frustrated that i have to have this procedure done again but i am so happy and lucky that my inlaws are incredibly generous and loving and are willing to pay for me to get it done. hopefully this will be it and i won't be needing a tune up each year!!
i will keep you posted on round 2!!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you only have a little less than a month left until you have have the next procedure. We will be keeping our fingers crossed and sending you healing thoughts. You are correct, your work place is a wonderful atmosphere of supportive people!
